at a fundamental level, marine life helps determine the very nature of our planet, with every second breath we take generated by the ocean.
kelp forests, seagrass meadows and saltmarshes, amongst other ocean environments - our so-called blue carbon habitats - represent significant opportunities to offer a nature-based solution to mitigate and adapt to climate change and provide invaluable havens for marine life.
this visceral meditation on such ecosystems, recorded in atlantic and north sea waters, celebrates some of our greatest weapons to combat climate change by removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and proposes the vision of a dynamic collaboration for us all with the ocean – our revered partner.
INTO THE OCEANIC is an ambitious, immersive project produced in collaboration with Elizabeth Ogilvie, involving two films: an artist’s documentary, both lyrical and analytical in form; and creative film installations created for large-scale projection. The documentary reveals investigation, experimentation, risk-taking and collaboration with world-class scientists; acting as an invaluable catalyst and educational tool for educators, curators, students and the public, revealing artists’ and scientists’ thinking and approach to art making as a conceptual journey, reflecting collectively, thinking ahead, reporting, questioning and sharing.  During the ongoing collaboration the project will examine how artists and scientists can apply their skills to provide foresight and clarity in regard to the climate emergency, our relationship with the environment and our historical responsibility for what occurs in it.